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Community Survey

Thu, 25 May

The Australian and South Australian Governments have removed the rail level crossing on Torrens Road, Ovingham to improve travel times, connectivity, and safety for all road and rail users. The $196 million project was jointly funded (50:50) by both Governments.

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Artwork Competition for planter boxes

Thu, 01 December

Brompton Primary School students recently participated in an artwork competition.

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Mural artwork

Tue, 29 November

Art students from Novita have designed mural artwork.

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Time capsules

Fri, 18 November

The PTP Alliance has installed time capsules in the project area.

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School Planting Day

Fri, 04 November

On Thursday, 3 November 2022, we were joined by students from Brompton Primary School, representatives from Green Adelaide, the University of South Australia and the City Of Charles Sturt to plant three new and distinctive gardens around the Ovingham Level Crossing Removal Project site.

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Planting a Butterfly Garden

Mon, 24 October

As part of the PTP Alliance’s ongoing work with the local community at the Ovingham Level Crossing Removal project, year 3 and 4 students from Brompton Primary School embarked on the second part of their butterfly journey - planting a butterfly garden!

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Community breakfast

Mon, 17 October

The PTP Alliance hosted a Community Breakfast in September 2022.

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First Nations Hip-Hop and Cultural Artefact sessions

Thu, 29 September

The PTP Alliance is running a First Nations education program with a local educators and schools, to share knowledge and engage students.

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Planning a Butterfly Garden

Mon, 19 September

The PTP Alliance is working with Brompton Primary School students to create a school butterfly garden.

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Creation Story sessions at early learning centres

Thu, 15 September

The PTP Alliance is running a First Nations education program with local educators and early learning centres, to share knowledge and engage students.

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