Planning Phase:
Community engagement activities were undertaken during the planning phase of the project during late 2019 / early 2020 to help inform the selection of a preferred design solution, from four options identified as part of the planning study (refer to the factsheet ‘Understanding the different design options’).
During the planning phase, the project team hosted five community information sessions (which were attended by over 150 people), and interviewed key businesses and residents within the project area. In addition, 366 survey responses were received during the planning phase, mostly from local residents and business owners.
This feedback was used, along with technical advice, as part of an options assessment process to inform the selection of a preferred design solution, which was to raise the road over the railway line.
Concept Design:
A second round of community engagement activities were undertaken during the development of an initial concept design, which was made publicly available in July 2020. During August 2020, four community information sessions were hosted to discuss the initial concept design that were attended by over 135 local residents.
An online engagement hub was also launched for the community to access project information and submit questions and feedback to the project team, via an online map and virtual information sessions. These online tools have ensured that engagement with the community has continued during COVID-19 restrictions.
The project team has also met with the Cities of Charles Sturt and Prospect, Kaurna Elders, local schools, businesses and residents associations to discuss the concept design and seek further feedback.
Finalising the Design:
The concept design has been updated and refined based on feedback received and is now available for public viewing on our website:
It is anticipated that the design will be finalised in mid-2021.
You can read how community engagement has fed into the design in the factsheet ‘What we Heard’ on the project website.