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TRAILS visit - July 2023

Wed, 13 December, 2023

PTP Alliance’s Superintendent, Taylor recently met with members of the Teamwork, Respect, Attitude, Independence, Life, Skills (TRAILS) preemployment youth program to discuss pathways to construction.

Taylor spoke about his journey starting in junior construction roles, where he developed skills working on the ground, and explained how this prepared him for his current role where he manages multiple work fronts on dynamic projects.

The session was an opportunity for TRAILS members to hear firsthand about the number of pathways and opportunities available for construction roles on major infrastructure projects. This was helpful particularly to those interested in gaining skills and employment in construction and landscaping.

The TRAILS program, led in partnership by BMX youth program, Light House Youth Group (LHYP) located in Port Adelaide and Mas National, works with at-risk 16–24-year-olds across Adelaide. The program supports members to create personal change through mentorship, BMX riding and work experience building bike trails, maintaining parklands and more.

We look forward to hosting site tours of the Port Dock Railway Line Project for TRAILS members throughout the project.