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MATES in Construction accredited site

Mon, 24 January, 2022

The Golden Grove Park ‘n’ Ride Project is proud to be working with MATES in Construction to address one of the biggest challenges within the construction industry.

Every year 190 people working in the construction industry across Australia take their own lives.

MATES is a charity established in 2008 to reduce the high level of suicide among Australian construction workers. MATES provides suicide prevention through community development programs on work sites, and by supporting workers in need through case management and a 24/7 help line.

The Golden Grove Park ‘n’ Ride Project is now a MATES Accredited Site. To become an accredited site the project has:

  • maintained more than 80% of staff trained in MATES General Awareness Training;
  • maintained a ratio of 1 Connector to 20 workers (a Connector is a person trained to help keep someone safe in a crisis); and
  • one Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training worker.

The accreditation was presented to the project in December 2021 by Matt Carter from MATES, who reminded the workers on site about the importance of looking out for each other during the holiday period.

For more information on MATES in Construction please visit their website:

Matt Carter from MATES presenting the Golden Grove Park ‘n’ Ride project with MATES site accreditation