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First Nations Dance Workshops and Museum Tours

Thu, 28 July, 2022

The PTP Alliance is running a First Nations Education Program with local educators and schools, to share knowledge and engage students.

As part of this program, First Nations educators Tjimari and Iteka have run cultural education sessions at Brompton Primary School over the past few months. They have been teaching studies about cultural artefacts, First Nations dance and facilitating some tours of the South Australian Museum.

The Year 2, 3 and 4 students recently enjoyed attending the First Nations hip-hop workshops run by Iteka. As a Narungga, Adnyamathanha and Yarluyandi woman, Iteka draws on the rich knowledge of her culture and translates this into dance moves that are inspired by traditional stories.

Year 5 and 6 students recently attended some museum tours, run by Tjimari, who guided the students through ‘the most comprehensive collection of Australian Aboriginal cultural material in the world’ (South Australian Museum,, 2022). The students saw a map of Aboriginal Australia and how it is comprised of diverse language groups in each state, learnt about collecting water, bush tucker and hunting, canoes, traditional law, fishing, making fire and traditional medicine.

Through these sessions, Tjimari and Iteka have managed to both broaden students’ understanding of Aboriginal Australia and celebrate its richness and diversity.

The PTP Alliance loves getting involved with the local community, so if you are a local school or eager to get involved in the project, please contact the community engagement team via emailing or calling 1300 613 533.