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Connecting the new station and rail line - Temporary line closure April and May 2019

Sun, 17 March, 2019

By building the new station ‘offline’ next to the existing station, the existing station was able to remain open for most of the project.

In order to connect the new station and rail line, the project needed to temporarily close the Seaford Line for three weeks. This is called an ‘occupation’ and occured after last service Friday, 12 April, until last service Sunday, 5 May. Normal train services resumed from first service Monday, 6 May.

The overhead power was isolated to facilitate the Oaklands Crossing works during the occupation. As the substation is located at Lonsdale, the isolation extended through to the Adelaide Railway Station, meaning that electric trains were not be able to run on the Adelaide side of the works, including the Tonsley Line.

During this closure, the project completed the station and connected the new tracks to the existing tracks (near Johnstone Road, east of the station and Straun Avenue, west of the station). See map here.

During the Seaford Line closure, trains ran between Seaford Railway Station and Brighton Railway Station, with substitute buses provided between Brighton Railway Station and Adelaide Railway Station.

The Tonsley Line was also be temporarily closed, with substitute buses running between Tonsley Railway Station and Adelaide Railway Station.

Substitute buses collected passengers from designated bus stops nearby to the stations.

Buses for Oaklands Railway Station operated from Stop 29 Morphett Road- west side (City-bound) and Stop 28A Morphett Road- east side (Seaford-bound).

Information for substitute bus stops for each railway station and timetable changes were available on the Adelaide Metro website

Service queries were managed by Adelaide Metro InfoLine on 1300 311 108.