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Community Noticeboards

Mon, 11 October, 2021

In addition to other communications methods such as delivering notifications, providing information via the project website and SitePodium, we are using Community Noticeboards to share project information. The noticeboards will be updated regularly with works notifications, latest news stories, construction images and newsletters. We encourage the community to check them out when walking around the local area or catching the bus.

For those with internet access, we encourage you to download the SitePodium app to access project information and updates. SitePodium presents the information in a social media style feed, allowing photos and information to be shared quickly.

Visit for details on how to download the app.

The PTP Alliance continue to be available to answer your questions on 1300 613 533 or via email

Community Noticeboards have been installed at the following locations:

  • Torrens Road, near the Brompton Primary School;
  • on the PTP Alliance fencing of the site office on Drayton Street; and
  • Torrens Road near the junction of Churchill Road, next to the pedestrian road crossing.